Are you looking for some great beginning of the year classroom activities? Back to school season can be so exciting, but it can also be overwhelming for teachers trying to plan and prep for a new school year.

Get ready for back to school with a packed-full activities and classroom resources bundle.

1. Meet the Teacher and Student Flyers

This editable meet the teacher flyer is a printable template for teachers to get ready for meet the teacher night. A meet the teacher flyer will provide students and families with a way to get to know you, the new teacher before the school year begins. It is great for teachers getting ready for back to school.
This editable meet the teacher flyer also comes with a BONUS! Give your new students the meet the student flyer to complete and return on the first day of school. This helps them to get invested into the new school year, provides a way for you to get to know them, and is a great beginning of the year hallway display!
2. Back to School Google Classroom Banners
These Back to School Google Classroom Banners will put personality into your Google Classroom. The classroom bitmoji background with a seasonal theme will be great during Back to School time!
This resource is a set of digital banner templates that you can edit by adding your Bitmoji and your own text, and will fit in perfectly with your Bitmoji classroom decor. It comes with full illustrated instruction tutorials. Just change your text, add your Bitmoji, and insert into your Google Classroom!
3. Back to School Escape Room Template

Engage students with a fun back to school escape game while they are getting to know their new classmates with this beginning of the year classroom activity. This EDITABLE Escape Room is great for upper elementary and middle school students to review content this back to school season.
This BACK TO SCHOOL themed Editable Escape Room Template will allow you to create your OWN Escape Rooms, using your OWN questions, and ANY content! Use this escape room as a digital activity OR print it for your students to work through. This is great for practice or review!
Would you like to try a FREE Sample Escape Room Template?

4. All About Me Digital Book

Engage students with a fun beginning of the year classroom activity while they are providing you, their new teacher, valuable information so you can get to know them. This DIGITAL All About Me allows students to present their favorite topic, themselves!
This Beginning of the Year Activity is super cute and includes 18 prompt pages for students to express themselves during back to school season as a first week of school activity. This interactive book is completely digital and provides text boxes for students to edit their own copy.
5. Digital Interactive Notebook Templates

This interactive notebook with dividers will help your students stay organized with all of their class notes. Implementing the use of a digital interactive notebook in your classroom will develop valuable student organization skills.
I call this Google slides digital interactive notebook an INFINITY notebook.
- Your solution to student organization issues!
- The best resource you can have for distance learning!
An infinity notebook is a DIGITAL INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK that students can use FOR EVERY SUBJECT all in one!! Students will be excited and engaged in note taking and assignment completion with this virtual notebook!
6. Classroom Management Slides

Help students start out the day organized, on track and in the know about what to expect using these morning slides to display the daily agenda. Classroom Management Slides allow your students to know the expectations for the day as soon as they walk in the door and see the daily agenda slides.
This set of classroom management slides is great for teachers to display at the beginning of each class to inform students of expectations and reminders. It is also useful for teachers who have multiple class periods per day and a “Good Morning” and “Good Afternoon” template are both included. You will have options when greeting your students in the morning (or the afternoon).
This set of slides also includes CUTE MOVABLE CLIP ART pieces to let your students know what supplies they will need for the day!
7. FREE Bonus Banners + Access to a Resource Library
These Black and Brights Google Classroom Banners will put personality into your Google Classroom. The classroom bitmoji background with a black and brights theme will be great for your virtual classroom!
This resource is a set of digital banner templates that you can edit by adding your Bitmoji and your own text, and will fit in perfectly with your Bitmoji classroom decor.
It comes with full illustrated instruction tutorials. Just change your text and insert into your Google Classroom or a Classroom Newsletter! You will have 2 different layout options and 3 different color options to choose from.
Also included with this download is access to an EXCLUSIVE Resource Library of FREEBIES!
This concludes the list of beginning of the year classroom activities + resources that are included in my Back to School Bundle.

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Since you are getting ready to go back to school, maybe you are looking for some fun reading activities. I have created a FREE GUIDE for Teaching Reading Strategies Using Picture Books. The guide is full of ideas and resources to get your students started off as strong readers and give you the confidence and tools you need to help them be successful readers.