
This page includes a link to every free resource, course, program, event, & special offer that Teacher Tech Studio currently has available.

free for teachers
you tube channel

Southern Schoolhouse on YouTube

Instructional videos created for upper elementary students in grades 3-6 for teachers & homeschool families to use to supplement their instruction.

guided math guide book

The Ultimate Guide to Guided Math Book

40+ page e-book guide all about implementing guided math in the upper elementary classroom.

upper elementary facebook group

Upper Elementary Simplified Facebook Group

A space for upper elementary teachers to come for advice, inspiration, & support related to teaching topics.

fact fluency workshop

FREE Fact Fluency Workshop

Are you searching for a COMPREHENSIVE strategy to assess your upper elementary students’ multiplication fact fluency?

fact fluency is the biggest roadblock for students who struggle in math

Featured Fact Fluency Article

Fact Fluency is the biggest roadblock for students who struggle in math. How can upper elementary teachers navigate this challenge?

meaningful math guide

11 Ways to Make Math Meaningful

Want to learn how you can bring more engagement into your upper elementary math classroom? Grab this free guide full of tips to help your student love learning math!

free resource library

Free Teacher Resource Library

Looking for low prep & engaging instruction in your upper elementary classroom? The Teacher Tech Studio Free Resource Library is updated often with new freebies just for upper elementary teachers!

free reading guide

How to Teach Reading Comprehension Strategies

Are you looking for a fun way to teach reading comprehension strategies? Grab this FREE guide that gives you suggested reading and activities to teach with picture books!

upper elementary resources
upper elementary podcast
courses for students
programs for teachers
children's books on amazon

Books Authored by Danna Rodebush

stoplight math
programs for teacher sellers
selling simplified