Using Assessment to Drive Mini Lesson: Day 2 of Upper Elementary Guided Math

Using assessment to drive mini lesson math instruction is an instructional strategy for all teachers to master, to allow targeted instruction.

In the previous article, we discussed using exit ticket assessments in the upper elementary math classroom immediately after students have been introduced to a new math skill, and had time for guided and independent practice.

This article will focus on using assessment to drive mini lesson math instruction on day 2 after analyzing the data that came from the quick formative upper elementary math assessment exit slip. Using assessment data to drive instruction is an important strategy for all teachers to master. This practice allows for targeted instruction in the math classroom.

This article is the 5th in my “Ultimate Guide to Guided Math” series. To start at the beginning, check out the first post. Check it out by clicking the image below:


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What is a Mini Lesson in Math?

A mini lesson is a quick (less than 20 minutes) lesson in which a teacher leads the students in a review of the new math skill that was introduced the previous day. The main concepts of the prior day’s lesson should be reviewed, with targeted questioning, and then followed by more guided practice.

Using assessment data from the prior lesson, the teacher can make instructional decisions about student needs that focus on concepts that learners maybe did not grasp or comprehend fully during the first whole group math lesson.

The teacher should emphasize math vocabulary during the mini lesson to build the knowledge and familiarity with math words, as well as provide students with opportunities to discuss their learning, and practice with partners and independently.

using assessment to drive mini lesson

What is Guided Practice in Math?

Guided practice is a math activity that allows students exposure to the new skill in a sheltered environment as the teacher is working through the activity with them.

Also considered guided practice is an activity that the teacher indirectly guides students with as needed. An example of this is shown below as students participate in “write & wipe” practice. During this activity, students can work with a partner or independently on the new math skill as the teacher circulates the room questioning students and redirecting misconceptions that the students may have.

write and wipe practice

Grouping Students for Instruction

On day two it is a good idea to meet with your lowest performing group just to get them a head start on the week. Discuss with them their misconceptions and answer any questions they have about the new math skill. This will give them more confidence moving into days 3 and 4 when they will be working independently.

How do I decide how to group my students?

Exit ticket data! Use the results from your exit slip assessment to form groups of students that are on the same level of instructional needs. Using assessment to drive these decisions helps the teacher to determine students who may need to be grouped together to target a particular skill.

On day three, you will begin meeting with other groups (your lowest performing group included), for a guided math lesson. But on day two, you will want to meet with the students who had several misconceptions from the exit ticket assessment on day one.

Want to try out some sample exit tickets for free? Check it out below:

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ultimate guide to guided math

I hope you have enjoyed this article about using assessment to drive mini lesson in upper elementary guided math. Join me in the next part of the series all about guided math groups.

how to teach guided math groups