
Why You Should Use Classroom Management Slides This Year

Classroom management slides offer teachers a flexible and effective method of organization for themselves and their students.

Classroom management slides are a powerful way to maintain organization, structure, and expectations in your classroom.

Are you a teacher looking for a way to better manage your instructional time, your transition time, or your daily agenda as a whole?  This article will explain to you why you should be using classroom management slides this year to keep your students, and yourself, organized and on track.


What are the Benefits of Classroom Management Slides?

There are so many uses for class slide templates in the classroom:

Greeting Students

Classroom Slides can be used as a fun way to greet your students in the morning, after specials, or after recess.  

Display a “Good Morning” slide template with your own text for a personal morning message to your students. 

You can inform them of the daily agenda, objectives, and what to expect for the day, as well as give instructions for what you expect them to do upon entering the classroom.


If you are a departmentalized teacher, you can copy your text to a “Good Afternoon” slide template and display an afternoon message to your classes that take place after lunch.


Posting Your Daily Agenda

When students know what to expect, they are more successful.

Think about any meeting you have ever attended.  

When the presenter left you in the dark, and unaware of what to expect, how did you feel?

What about the presenter who posted a detailed agenda before the meeting even began?  Did you feel more prepared, or more involved?

Students are no different.  They want to know what to expect from their day.  Using a classroom slide template to post details that inform them of what to expect throughout the day will benefit them, and you because there will be no need for them to ask “What are we doing today?”


Assigning Bellwork

Most teachers need a little bit of time at the beginning of the school day or class period, once students arrive, to take attendance, lunch count, and to gather materials for the day’s lessons.

Utilizing classroom management slides to assign students a brief bellwork activity will bridge the gap and offer students a meaningful learning opportunity while giving the teacher the valuable time to complete important tasks.


Posting Your Expectations

When instructions and expectations are staring directly at them from a giant screen at the front of the classroom, it is difficult for students to not know what is expected of them.

If your students are anything like mine were, you will always have the occasional student who “forgets” about the slide that is displayed at the front of the room and asks the questions anyway, but for the most part, once the procedure is established, classroom management slides are an effective way to hold students accountable and ensure that they know what your expectations are.

You can post a to-do list so students can follow a series of tasks and stay on track.

You can add a section to your slides that inform students of what materials or supplies will be needed for the day or a particular lesson or activity.

You can also remind students of expectations for early finishers.

Classroom management slides offer teachers a flexible and effective method of organization for themselves and their students.


Posting Reminders

“When is our next math test?”

“When is the permission slip due?”

“Don’t we have an assembly coming up?”

By using class slide templates to remind your students of upcoming due dates, quizzes, homework, field trips, and special events, you are eliminating the need for them to ask the questions listed above.  While it may not completely eliminate the questions, it will definitely reduce the amount of repeat questions teachers get on a daily basis!

Establishing a Routine

From day one, students can be instructed to ALWAYS check the slide on the screen as the FIRST thing they do as they come in.  Once this procedure is established, it becomes habit for them, and you never have to hear these words:

  • “Where do we put…?”
  • “What do we do now…?”
  • “When is ____ due?”
  • “What is our homework?”
  • “What is today’s date?”
  • “What are we doing today?”
  • “Do we need our scissors today?”

Saving Time

Think about how much time you could save yourself with planning if you use these classroom management slides throughout your entire day of the entire school year.

Plan out and save a day’s or week’s worth of slides and then revisit those slides the following year to see your already done for you plan!

Imagine if you had your bellwork listed on your morning slides, and all of your activities listed out with assignments and/or homework for each subject on a daily agenda or a specific subject slide, as well as all of your small group rotation activities archived year after year!


What Else Can Classroom Management Slides Be Used For?

Visual Processing

For students who process information visually, posting instructions and announcements for them to see for an extended period of time will be of benefit to them.

Posting the Date

A class slide template is a great place to post the day and date for students to reference.


Learning Objectives

Posting learning objectives helps students to see what their end goal is as they learn a new skill or concept.  This is also a district requirement or part of some administration team’s requirements.

objectives and learning goals

Daily + Weekly Goals

Classroom management slides are a great place to display goals that your students have created.  A slide template houses these important goals in a prominent place in the classroom for students to reference often.

Quote of the Week

When I was in the classroom, I displayed a quote of the week that students journaled about and was the focus for that entire week.  A slide template is a great place to display a quote or motto.

quote of the week


Not only will the use of classroom management slides keep your students visually and mentally focused, but they will also help keep you, as the teacher, on track.  If you set up your slides to flow in a continuous agenda with your entire day already mapped out, then you will always have a living lesson map right at your fingertips!


Displaying a transition slide can help to cut down on wasted time, especially if you are using a countdown timer and some type of incentive for the class.  “If you beat the timer, I will add one star to the chart.”

transition slides

Stations Guide

You can display a list of math groups or reading groups and you can include all of the stations, centers, or rotation activities on your slides and the order for which student groups are expected to complete the tasks.

center instructions

Exit Tickets

Formative assessments are simple with a slide template.  This will also be beneficial as mentioned above as you plan for future years.  You can add in an exit ticket question to display at the end of your lesson and have students either give you a hand signal to answer or fill out the answer on an index card for you to assess their learning.

exit ticket slides


Do you need a place to post announcements?  Digital slides are a great place to remind students of upcoming events and dates.

Discussion + Journal Prompts

Imagine that you have just finished a lesson on equivalent fractions and you put up a slide on the screen that says: “Let’s Talk About It: Talk with your partner about how equivalent fractions are created.”

discussion slides

Or how about posting a journal prompt for students to write about in their writing notebook?

journal slides

Are you convinced yet that you need classroom management slides this year?  If you would like to implement this strategy in your classroom, you can find a set of editable slide templates at Teacher Tech Studio.


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